身材不是能否获得幸福的量尺!健身教练 X 肉肉女:“我不瘦,但老公仍选择了我!”

身材不是能否获得幸福的量尺!健身教练 X 肉肉女:“我不瘦,但老公仍选择了我!” 女人心事 图1张


一对男女在海边的沙滩上自在地漫步,他们轻拥着彼此,嘴女星角洋溢着幸福的笑容,看着彼心灵成长报告2000字此的眼神中充满着爱意。或许有点太闪,但这幅再正常不过的甜女力报到蜜画面,被 PO 上 Ins女星排行榜tagram 后却瞬间攻女力报到占各大社群媒体版面,原因是因为女子的“身材”。

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5 bucks if you can guess what I’m whispering in @jennakutcher’s ear. Caption this! @mrslindseyroman

A post shared by Drew Kut女力报到cher (@kickingitwithkutch) on Mar 3, 2018 at 5:10pm PST

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When @jennakutcher is making you do #allthethings for the ‘gram. It’s a good thing she’s cute. Double tap if you do stupid things for these squares. #kutchersinkihei Photo by: @mrslindseyroman

A post shared by Drew Kutcher (@kickingitwithkutch) o女星n Feb 10, 2018 at女星孙铱的老公是谁 2:22pm PS女力报到-爱的故事T

来自美国威斯康辛州的 Jenna Kutcher 是一名 30 岁的摄影师,和大多数的女性一样,因为身材并非一般大众女力报到后续认为窈窕纤女星名字细的“典型美女”,而一直在和“瘦身”奋斗,直到她认识了担任健身教练,昵称“六块肌先生”(Mr. Six-Pack)的 Drew Kutcher 之后,Jenna 的人生逐渐豁然开朗。

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IT’S BACHELOR NIGHT! Have you tried ‘The Bachelor Worko女星颜值前十名ut’ yet? Well maybe tonight is the night! I foun心灵成长报告2000字d a similar version onl女星王怡人参加团体活动ine an女星d thought it was pretty hil女星名字arious! Thanks @theodysseyo女星因无戏可拍买身每人3000万nline! #thebachelor Here are the rules:女力报到 1. When a rose is mentioned: do 10 jumping jacks. 2. When the date card arrives: plank until the girls stop obsessing over who gets to go (or 30 seconds). 3. When a girl cries: do 10 sit-ups. 4. When Ari says that he “has a gre女星的豆蒄青春心at connection” with one of the girls: do 10 squats. 5. When心灵成长日记 one of t心灵成长报告2000字he girls says t女星王怡人参加团体活动he phrase女力师的坠落 “I could really see mys心灵成长报告2000字elf女星孙铱的老公是谁 marrying him”: do 20 bic女力ycle kicks. 6. When one of the girls says that she’s “there for the right reas女星王怡人参加团体活动ons”: do 10 push ups. 7. When one of t心灵成长he心灵成长 girls complain about being on a g心灵成长报告2000字roup date: do a 30 se女星王怡人参加团体活动cond wall sit. 8. When Ari kisses someone: 5 burpees. 9. When one of the girls interrupts Ari talking t女星王怡人参加团体活动o another girl: 15 v-ups. 10. Wh女星名字en Chris Harrison says: “THE MOST DRAMATIC EPISODE EVER!”: do 20 sit-ups. . But for real though….how old is Bekah M!? Anyone? . @janelle.sutton – I女星孙铱的老公是谁’m still using your pics! You rock!

A post shared by Drew Kutcher (@kickingitwithkutch) on Jan 15, 2018 at女星因无戏可拍买身每人3000万 3:43pm PST

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He’s a total sof女力师的坠落tie when it comes to littl女星王怡人参加团体活动e dogs, h女星e’s striving to become Jack from “This Is Us,” and he just brought home four different kinds of GF mac and cheese so I would女星n’心灵成长感悟t be disappointed. ✨ He has女星排行榜 a heart of gold, abs of steel, and he’s the most loyal human I’ve eve心灵成长r met. He’s been my best friend for the last ten years, has grieved with me through our miscarriages, taken risks that have女星颜值前十名 scared the heck out of him, and held my hand in church on Sunday. ✨ Ladies, wait for the man t心灵成长报告2000字hat loves you well, that wak女力报到es up every da女星因无戏可拍买身每人3000万y and chooses you, that com女星es alive in your presence and poses女力 for stu心灵成长日记pid Instagram photos with a smile. Choose the ma女星球n who celebrates your power, is your number one fan and who handles the urgency of a mac and cheese craving like a champ. ✨ Don’t look for the one who completes you, you are already whole and complete. This isn’t about being worthy,心灵成长 you女星球 already are. It’s about waiting for the one who recognizes that worthiness and wholeness every single day.

A post shared by JENNA女星名字 KUTCHER (@jennakutcher) on Mar 23, 2018 at 11:04am PDT

女力报到后续这个男人愿意拥抱心灵成长日记我身体的每个线女星排行榜条,每一道皱折,每一磅甚至脸上的痘痘,结婚 11 年来,他也不断地提醒我让我知道我有多美。


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Vi女星球ew this post on Instagram女星贝蒂怀特

The woman, the myth, the legend returns tonight! (Isn’t she a babe!?) I can’t want to hear all about her女星颜值前十名 latest journeys to Phoenix for @showit.c女星孙铱的老公是谁o United conference and to Guatemala with @noondaycollection! What a crazy awesome week for @jennakutcher an女星球d if you know her at all, I bet she’s ready for a nap!

A post shared by Drew Kutcher (@kickingitwithkutch) on Nov女星颜值前十名 10, 2017心灵成长日记 at 1:07pm PST

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How great i心灵成长s she!? I could jus女星贝蒂怀特t eat her up!! After @jennakutcher’s crazy webinar week two we女力报到eks ago she jumped immediately into recording 12 @goaldiggerpodcast episodes and 4 interviews in less than 48 hours, buil女星名字t an entire we心灵成长报告2000字bsi心灵成长日记te for her Mastermind students, rocked out tons of other work things I can’t even comprehend and had time to c女星排行榜lean out/organize a gross closet in our guest bedroom! Which is a huge score for a crazy OCD dude such as myself.心灵成长报告2000字 How does she do it all in a day!? She is j女力ust a BOSS! I love her and couldn’t be more appreciative of her work ethic! @jane_johnson – (While I type this Jenna is at yoga class, which was preceded by a hair appointment. Well deserved R&R time, am I right!? ‍♀️女力报到)

A post shared by Drew Kutcher (@kickingitw女力报到ithkutch) on Oct 24, 2017 at 2:53pm PDT

尽管照片放上网后,涌进如女力报到洪水般的留言和讯息,Jenna 也被许多人质问:“为什女力报到-爱的故事么你可以有这么帅的老公?”但现在的她选择坦然面对,并勇敢地说:“对,我的大腿之间没有任何缝隙,我的手臂也很粗壮、屁屁也不小,但是我老公选择我的原因,远超过这女力师的坠落些外表的条件,而我也幸运选择了能够接受这样的我女力报到的他!”充满正能量的回应女力,引起上万网友感动相挺。

然而 Jenna 也不是一开始就能如此勇敢坦白,在过去的人生中,她也面对了很长时间的挣扎,挣扎着学会去“爱自己”。由于过去接连两次的流产,让她对于自己不断失去信心:“身为一个女人,我想在内心深处,我们最大的担忧就是觉得自己永远都不够女星贝蒂怀特,尤其是在生理上面对两次的破碎,我真的花了很长时间重新接纳自己的身体。

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Sitting in bed, sipping my coffee, read女星名字ing our guest book and listening to the birds singin女星排行榜g. Yeah, it's been good to slow down and soak up the island time bbuuutttttt… When we get home we're making the move to Min女星颜值前十名nesota and we女星黑历史 are SO excited to be in the same state as our fave @cameronscoffee! Don't judge me if I tell you I packed some coffee with us so that I c女星因无戏可拍买身每人3000万ould bring home to the islands. ☕️ Ps. This weekend, there is a Minnesota meet up on女星颜值前十名 Maui, we have to bring our favor女星王怡人参加团体活动i女星排行榜te hot-dish! I CAN'T WAIT! What casserole should we make to bring with? #minnesotapride #alwayssmo女力报到othneverbitter #thekutchercondo

A post shared by JENNA KUTCHER (@jennakutcher) on Feb 23, 2018 at 12:33pm PST


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Last night we climbed into bed and snuggled up with the pups, I opened up our devotional and like most mess女星黑历史ages, this one felt divine! In case you need a reminder, this one is for you. ✨ “Your new future: May God lift you up and heal and restore you fully. May you see gli女力报到后续mpses of His glory everywhere you turn. ✨ May He show you wonders of His love that overwhelm you and make your knees weak. May He put女星的豆蒄青春心 a new song in your heart and a new dream in your spirit. ✨ May you walk f女力报到后续orward unattainable and full of faith that your future will be far greater than your past.女力报到” &#8211心灵成长感悟; Susie Larson

A post shared by JENNA KUTCHER (@jennakutcher) on Dec 23, 2017 at 2:29pm PST

帮助 Jenna 一块块重建破碎的自信心,老公 Drew 可说是最大功臣,即使她几天没洗澡,或穿着破女星排行榜旧的高中校服裤,在 Drew 眼中,她都可以看见自己的价值与美丽。“我知道依赖别人来获取自信很不健康心灵成长感悟,所以我发展了自己的事业,让自己先学会放下,将焦点转移到其他人身上。”

现在 Jenna 和 Drew 最常做的事就是一起运动健身,他们会一起上瑜珈课或是跑马拉松,即使Drew 拍下的每心灵成长故事一张照片都让她很想立刻删除,但“六块肌先生”说:“我只是想捕捉你每个美丽的瞬间。”

身材不是审视一个人的标准,更不是一个人能否获得幸福的一把尺。Jenna 希望鼓励所有女孩:“我收到很多女孩的女星排行榜讯息,告诉我她们因为和一个好看的男人结婚而感到没安全感,但我们脑海中的小女星名字女星王怡人参加团体活动场往往不是真的,你们每个人也都值得像我一样被爱,希望透过这段对话,能够让你们相信自己独特的美和力量。

资料来源: Jenna Kutch心灵成长er Blog




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